Alex Singerman Driggs

Alex discovered Sawtooth when she moved from Utah to Winston-Salem. She knew she had to learn more after walking past the school’s street-side windows and viewing pottery students turning mud into masterpieces. Now, working at the front desk, she gets to meet eager students, burgeoning artists, seasoned professionals, and everyone in between. She loves the creative bustle at Sawtooth and is excited to try every medium offered.

Alex has worked in many fields, but for the last seven years has held an assistant role in a non-profit consulting company. Coming from the world of writing grants, developing strategic plans, and managing campaigns on behalf of a multitude of charitable organizations, it is enriching for her to join the day-to-day operations of one. When she is not chasing her three young children, she enjoys yoga, watercolor, and the soul-restoring outdoor beauty of North Carolina.

Alex holds a bachelor’s degree in International Studies from Utah State University, with an emphasis on World Religions. She is passionate about global awareness and humanitarian outreach and believes art is a connective language for all societies and cultures.