Jeremy Tritchler, Furniture Maker
Jeremy Tritchler is a hand tool woodworker specializing in 18th century cabinet making at Colonial Williamsburg. After receiving a bachelor’s degree in geology from the University of Wyoming, he worked for several years as an exploration geologist in Utah. A long-time woodworking hobbyist, Jeremy eventually started taking part time woodworking classes at Salt Lake Community College where he decided to make a career change into furniture making. With some encouragement from his teacher, Jeremy moved with his wife to Boston where he graduated from the North Bennet Street School cabinet and furniture making program. After graduating he continued at the school as an adjunct instructor while taking on private commissions and working for an architectural mill. Currently Jeremy works as a cabinetmaker at Colonial Williamsburg where he reproduces 18th century furniture. He has been published in Mortise and Tenon Magazine, and he has been featured on Fine Woodworking’s blog.
Outside of work, Jeremy can often be found in his garage building something or spending time with his wife and daughter while exercising his dad jokes.
Jeremy will be teaching a weekend workshop and demo at Sawtooth this fall. Click here to learn more about Entirely by hand, with Jeremy Tritchler, 11/4 – 11/6