Bob Moffett

Bob Moffett

Bob Moffett is a professional Woodturner. He is a past president of the Piedmont Woodturners Association. Bob’s interest in woodturning grew after taking a series of courses at his local community college and at John C. Campbell Folk School.  He has also studied with a number of turners including Bill and Jim Wallace, Alan Batty, Frank Penta, Mike Stafford, Avelino Samuel, among others.

For the past several years Bob has specialized in turning offset platters, miniature bird house ornaments, sea urchin ornaments, bowls and boxes, incorporating surface treatments such as texturing, spiraling, chatter, beading and woodburning.

He has demonstrated at numerous woodturning clubs and symposia. He also teaches classes in woodturning at John C. Campbell Folk School in Brasstown, NC

His works are in private collections and have been sold at art galleries and craft shows throughout North Carolina.