Wheel Throwing + Wood/ Soda Firing (Beginning and Intermediate)
This is an introductory class to wood + soda. This class is available only to students who have taken at least 1 clay class at Sawtooth.
Explore the creative possibilities of clay using a potter's wheel. Students with more experience can refine their skills while exploring new forms and design options. Decorating and glazing techniques for atmospheric firing will also be explored. Ages: 18 - Adult
Class room instructions will be held 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9 in the Sawtooth wheel throwing studio. Students will have open studio access for the remaining weeks leading up to the firing.
Kiln firing is scheduled on: 12/15, 12/16, and 12/17 at SECCA Wood Fire Kiln Pavilion.
Students will take an active roll in helping load and fire the kiln at the end of the session. Students will also be expected to help with one wood prep shift during the session.